Senin, 04 Februari 2013


VIGOROUSLY = penuh semangat

 You don't follow the BAND descriptor/marking scheme religiously 
band = memberi tanda

SCREAM n = teriakan

Minggu, 03 Februari 2013



blasphemy = profane or sacrilegious talk about god or sacred things
= pemfitnahan;  penghinaan trhadap tuhan atau dewa (atau hal keramat lainnnya)

profane = mencemari, (bahasa) tdk senonoh/tdk sopan
harsh = keras, hard

sacrilege = planggaran trhdp hal yg dianggap keramat

harsh = keras unpleasantly rough or jarring to the senses; cruel or severe = kasar

jarring = gemuruh; send a painful or uncomfortable shock

profane = treat with irreverence (referred to religion or faith, cmiiw) = pncemaran/duniawi

irreverence = ketidaksopanan; disrespectful

truce= gencatan senjata; cease fire

house of representative= DPR

Fire in the hole !!! = blast !!

enormous = sangat besar, besar sekali

exaggerate = membesar-besarkan lebay, membesar besarkan sesuatu...

dogfight = a close combat (peperangan) between military aircraft

precipitation: hujan, pengendapan hUjan salju

Approximately:kurang lebih/rata2, kira2


breed: berkembang biak

bulk = jumlah yang besar/sebagian besar

fetch = menjemput

speed bomb = polisi tidur

toefl learning beginner, toefl, learning